Stomach Ulcer and Diet

The ulcer is actually any type of injury or wound sore that develops inside the body. Gastric ulcers are ulcers present mainly in mucosa of the stomach, also known as the mucosa. Different types of gastric ulcers are defined by the location and causes of a stomach ulcer. Ulcers can occur on any part of the digestive tract, that involves or the esophagus, stomach, or intestines. The size of a gastric ulcer can range from 1/8 inch to 3/4 inch pieces.

Stomach ulcer causes

Gastric ulcers are contagious in any way or carcinogenic. However, if not recognized early on, could turn into a malignant form. The following are the most common causes stomach ulcer.

♦ Bad habits: habits like smoking and alcohol consumption are the most obvious reasons behind most cases stomach ulcer. In fact, nicotine from cigarettes, together with alcohol tends to gnaw the mucous membrane and increase levels and concentration of stomach acids. Both alcohol and nicotine can therefore be said to be sufficiently strong causal factors behind a stomach ulcer, if not at least aggravating an existing one.

♦ Pain relievers: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) disturb the mucosa as well as the lining of the small intestine. Painkillers and analgesics that are taken on a regular basis in the manner prescribed or over-the-counter medications increase the risk of stomach ulcer. You may want to check with your healthcare provider before taking painkillers that contain substances such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

♦ Stress: stress is not the direct cause of peptic ulcers, but it's obviously the biggest contributing factor. Stress, due to a hectic lifestyle, mental and physical trauma, emotional disturbance and actually increases the risk of stomach ulcer and also reduces the effectiveness of any type of stomach ulcer remedies that you put in place.

♦ Infections: A certain type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori were actually found in colonies in the lining of the stomach. These bacteria are said to be the main reason why more than 60% of all cases stomach ulcers.

A healthy diet is the key to staying healthy while reducing the secretion of gastric acid and the control of possible problems that may disrupt the gastric health. A stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer is a common disease that affects thousands of people every year. Healthy eating habits can be the key to avoid the risk of getting a stomach ulcer in the first place.

Stomach ulcer Diet

The diet for gastric ulcer may vary depending on the person's tolerance level. There are several foods that can work wonders with a patient, but could easily go wrong with another. However, here's a list of foods that you should include in your diet to treat the ulcer.

♦ Cereals: diet for stomach ulcers must be rich of foods made from whole grains and cereals. They include rice, barley, tortillas, pita bread, bagels, toast, low fat pancakes, crackers, muffins, and waffles.

♦ Fruits and vegetables: fresh vegetables should be consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. Almost all fresh and raw vegetables can be included in diet gastric ulcer with the exception of tomatoes and tomato products. Fruit with low levels of citrus fruits are allowed in your stomach ulcer diet.

♦ Meat and dairy fat and not at least low fat milk and other dairy products, cheese sweet simple, low fat cottage cheese and yogurt low-fat foods are good to be included in daily diet. All lean meats too can be included. Lean meats, such as pork, ham, beef, veal, lamb, poultry, fresh fish, eggs, meat broth (seasoned on average) are all good for you because it will help you to regain strength and accelerate the recovery process.

What to avoid in a stomach ulcer diet

All food containing high fat ingredients should be strictly avoided in your diet plan stomach ulcer.

♦ Cereals: food like sandwiches, croissants, cereals, muesli and as bran, dried fruit, nuts, bread and crackers with seeds on top are a no-no because their abrasive nature may do more harm to the ulcer.

♦ Fruits and vegetables: Corn, gas forming vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, rutabagas, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, peppers, tomatoes and tomato products should be avoided. Fruits such as lemon, Orange, grapefruit, pineapple, mandarin oranges, figs and all kinds of berries and fruits that contain a high level of citric acid should not be consumed.

♦ Meat products and dairy products: items in meat, fish and poultry that are highly seasoned, canned meat, Frankfurt sausages, anchovies, sardines and should be avoided. High-fat milk, whole milk, chocolate milk, strong flavored cheese, dairy products made using whole milk, whole milk, cream etc must be strictly avoided.

Tips to follow

The list of foodstuffs which should ideally comprise the diet for a stomach ulcer will serve an effective cure. Afterwards the stomach ulcer diet also help you lead a healthier life.

♦ Rather than having three full meals, try to plan a uniform distribution of your daily nutritional intake into three meals and three snacks that automatically avoid i periods of overeating as well as hunger. While eating, always eat slowly, chew food well and be relaxed and without tension.

♦ Sit up while eating ever, lie down or slouch, repeat the same for an hour after the meal. Eat at least three hours before slipping into bed for the night.

♦ Have a diet low in fat and low in carbohydrates and to introduce a high-protein diet, avoiding foods containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and eating a high amount of chocolates as well.

Gastric ulcers are avoidable with the help of a balanced diet, much exercise and therapy observed in a timely manner. Follow the tips above to the stomach ulcer diet with your regular stomach ulcer treatment. Lead a healthy life and try to reduce alcohol and smoking. The condition is completely curable, however, you must be sure to make a conscious effort to help the body to take care of herself.


  1. Ulcer is a very serious condition. Treating this can also be hard and sensitive. Taking of yourself is one thing you should always do.

  2. cabbage broccoli cucumber cauliflower is good as far as it is concern on Youtube channels but you say all to avoid ???? what is it ???

  3. Is there any help i can get here... its affecting much

  4. Diseases like ulcer cannot be cured completely by medical procedures alone and also requires the patient to make significant changes in their lifestyle and habits too. While hospitals do provide good treatment in such cases, but the intensive case management services are much better as they also monitor and guide a patient’s daily lifestyle along with providing the general treatment.

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  6. Stomach ulcers can be a real pain, and it's fascinating how addressing digestive health connects with oral well-being. Reminds me of the interconnectedness – from stomach discomfort to even those occasional muth ulcers!
